I shall be brief, mostly because I really want to find someone to roleplay with me. I want a partner who will be willing to plot like madmen with me about anything we think may make our rp better or thoughts about Dragon Age, that it may be tweaks on the timeline to the strange color changing proprieties of Cullen's hair. Now, I want you to speak up if something I typed or plotted don't sit well with you, and I want you to speak up if you have any idea you think may make our writing effort awesomer. Get it? Good, the last thing I ask is for you to make an effort to make both at least a good paragraph and to give me some fuel for my own post afterwards, I usually at least post three paragraphs with at least a hook myself. For the good stuff, I want to mess around with the characters, and though I never got even remotely close to know Zevran, Ohgren, Isabella and Sebastian, I would be most pleased to discover them through your writing if you want to play them in a different way than canon. The changes have to make sense, however, and I can't play them myself for the simple reason that I never managed to get to them for one reason or another. What I want above all, however, is to change the character we choose first subtly from maybe a different event happening in their past and see it all unravel like a really slow avalanche. I also do gender switch, if this is your cup of tea, as it's also a good way to see something different come from familiar characters. Any takers?