appearence: Cato stands nearly 7 feet tall, towering over most Romans and even some of the gladiators of Germanic descent. His whole build is rather menacing - very muscular and large. His strong arms are quite scarred from years of fighting on the arena. Cato's face is handsome - despite the scar on the left side of his mouth, extending down his chin to his neck and chest. Obviously he has been very lucky to survive from a blow like that. His dark hair is cut very short and a little goatee adorns his chin - though it is divided by the nasty scar. Outside of combat Cato wears a simple gray tunic, when he's fighting the tunic is either red or very dark shade of brown. On his feet he always wears very sturdy sandals. name: Cato, the Sword of Mars age: 42 gender: Male nationality: Greek weapons: gladius, occasionally a falcata, for protection Cato uses a large scutum shield and wears a lorica segmentata. For head protection he wears a helmet that resembles the old hoplite helmets. work outside being a gladiator: Cato is the personal servant, secretary and confidant of senator Marcus Cornelius Falco. He also teaches the younger gladiators if need be. Bio: Cato has been fighting for nearly all of his life - be it with men or animals. He ended up as a slave in his early 20's and moved from one master to other for different reasons until ending in the company of at the time young and rising orator Marcus Falco. Despite a rather rough start - often culminating in bouts of physical prowess - the two soon became more than just a slave and master. They became more akin to brothers, friends or even more than that. When Cato wasn't helping Falco with his work as a lawyer and other such he's been fighting in the arenas - attaining much fame for himself and a hefty fortune for his master. Though he has not remained undefeated he has participated in well over 60 battles on the arena in the past 18 years which has left him with a fearsome reputation. Pets(optional): Extra: Cato has spent the last year away from the arenas due to Falco's duties as a governor of Sicily. He intends to make an impressive comeback.