Typical day. Sun was out. Blinds were down. Speakers on. Music playing. Thane was sprawled out across the second couch in the cabin, a leg along the back of the couch, his head resting on the arm rest, an arm being used as a pillow while the other held a book against his chest. He was reading [i]The Stars My Destination[/i] for the third time now. It was a masterpiece in Science Fiction, but the part that drew Thane in every time was the unrelenting passion of Foyle. Thane had always been a sucker for raw emotion, even in the case of Gulliver Foyle whose obsession with revenge completely consumed him. His routine had been rather set in stone as of late. Roll out of bed, eat whatever snack item he found first, grab a fresh book, crash on the couch and power read through and then do whatever it was Erin wanted to do for the day. Passivity was his policy, not that there was much he would've seen worth doing in this camp. It had never really been his style. Bowie's [i]Moonage Daydream[/i] poured out of the stereo like honey, Thane instinctively singing along softly as his eyes drifted across the pages of his book. Life wasn't particularly hard for the non-counselor children of the big three, at least that was the impression Thane had. No one really asked him for anything and he never offered. Perhaps someone running the camp had heard about what he had done to his mother and grandfather. He had explained to someone that seemed relatively important what had happened and that this place seemed to be his only alternative to living on the street. Maybe someone took pity on him or maybe there just wasn't all that much that was asked of folks here. Only things Thane had any stock in here were himself and his cabin mate, the daughter of Hades herself. His first impression of the girl wasn't all that positive. He remembered going to sleep thinking that she was a grade A bitch. As they got to know one another, he got to see more of her real self, a side he really grew to care for. He wanted to help her, but wasn't all that sure how. Friendships were a new enough concept for him, helping someone recover from years of emotional damage was something way beyond his skill, so he just went with whatever seemed right. It seemed to be working, she seemed to be softening up, her wall breaking down a bit. [i][b]"Okay, so watch your back... Keep out of trouble, & before I forget; stay out of my way..."[/i][/b] Ok, so progress wasn't moving forward, but it wasn't exactly moving backwards.Was it? Thane thumbed to the last page of his daily novel, hearing footsteps make their way to the front door as if on cue. The music jumped to [i]Spirit in the Sky[/i] by Norman Greenbaum, Thane wiggling his foot to the guitar as he mouthed the lyrics, his thumb riding along the the lines in the book. He dropped the book onto his chest as the door opened up, his cabin-mate stepping in. She seemed surprised to find him in the same spot he was everyday, for whatever reason he couldn't guess. He stared at her flatly, knowing full well what kind of job she did welcoming all the new demigods. [b][i]"What? I did my job, I gave them the run down..."[/b][/i] She started, trying to make an excuse. [i]Stare[/i]. [b][i]"Oh, don't look at me like that..."[/b][/i] [i]Staaaaare[/i]. [b][i]"Fine! I'm going, I'm going..."[/b][/i] [i]Staaaaaaaaaaaare.[/i] She turned, he grinned and gave her a little wave goodbye, before getting up. He slid into the pair of sneakers waiting for him in front of the couch, tossing the book onto the couch seat as he hopped up, shoving his bandaged hand into his pocket. He said nothing to her, figuring Erin knew that he was going to follow her out. He always did. He didn't bother going for a jacket as he made his way to the door, he was comfortable in his jeans and Jurassic Park t-shirt and some cool air would do him a world of good after being inside for the past few hours. "See ya fluffers," Thane said softly, ruffling the cat's fur with his hand as he passed by, feeling it knead its head into his palm. He emerged from the cabin and swung the door closed behind him, moving in to take the spot just behind and to the right of Erin. With just a t-shirt on, his heavily bandaged arm was completely visible and it was already pulling a quite a few stares. He just rolled his eyes at the new kids and shifted his weight from foot to foot, letting Erin run the show. He was just along for the ride.