Torpid sighed and shook her head. Again, ignorance was bliss. They had to form a chain. Wily had to be the next server, then his client would he the next server, then that one would be Looting's server. Forming a circular chain that would allow greater freedom to help each other in the trials. It was alluded in the guide that cooperation was important. [TE] Started Tiddling noteSorrowful [NS] [TE] Hey there how are you? [TE] My name is Mawkish Escort. [NS] Hello Mawkish, I am Torpid Guide. [NS] How can I help you? [TE] Well to be honest Torpid, I simply decided to talk to you because I was bored, but we might as well make the best of it. [TE] So do you want to be my client? [NS] I would, but that isn't the way the trial goes. Wily needs to be the next server. [NS] I suggest you become his client. Once done, I can become your client and then Looting can be mine. That way all of us will be on an equal setting. She knew doom was coming. A meteor was heading toward each of their ships. The first trial was to escape and to do that, they needed to work together and appearify on their own planet through the power of their cruxite item. [NS] Oh, by the way, it would be very beneficial if Wily was your server player. Seeing as you both have key aspects. [NS] If I give you information on the trials such as that, please don't share it unless I say to. [NS] I plan to keep us alive and it'll be harder if people go off willy nilly doing what they want.