Appearance: [Img=] Height: 6'1" Weight: 162.4 lb. Hair Color: (Possibly Dyed) Purple Eye Color: Blue Skin Tone: Fair Name: ??? (Calls himself "Hymn") Age: 17 History: Not much is known by the other captives, other than the fact that he is a high school student who is stuck in the same predicament as the others. He has a few blue paint sploches on the sleeves of his coat, which may give a hint to what he does. "Hymn" is a highschool student who isn't well known at the high school he attends. He is sometimes seen isolated from others, but can also be seen talking to a few other people. He was never really the talkative type and he wasn't noticed by other people a lot. "Hymn" just studied hard, and was just generally a normal student. That all changed on that one night... On that one night, he was hanging out at a friends place, and had to eventually head home. "Hymn" was invited to stay there for the night, but he politely declined. He then headed out into the night, which was calm and quiet as always. The crickets were chirping, a cool wind was blowing, and his house was a few blocks away. He would of made it if someone caused him to blackout. His assailant was unknown to him, and where he was was even more bewildering to him. He awoke to see others like him, trapped in this facility. Some were awake, others were asleep. He pondered if he woke up to a strange dream and if he was still asleep at is friends house. "Hymn" is soon going to realize that this isn't a dream - it's a horrible nightmare come alive. Personality: "Hymn," or whatever his real name is is a quiet, and calm individual. He can often be seen as reckless, but its more or less his overprotectiveness. He cares deeply for others, and would put his own life on the line before anyone else's. He often has an emotionless look on his face, masking his true emotions. Despite all this, he can put up with most things from people, and very rarely snaps in anger. Instead he will often just wave it off or sigh as if it were nothing. He rarely has time for jokes, and if someone were to crack one, he just wouldn't get it. Likes: Croissants, serene calmness, and books. Dislikes: Restraint, dolls (makes him uneasy), and spiders. Other: A mutated clone of him with mismatched eyes in his sockets. Gives off an unsettling grin, and has lots of stitches on his body, almost making him "doll like". He also has four arms protruding from his back, each a different size. There is some blood leaking out from the sockets, his mouth, and stitches. Will most likely turn into this in the story later if he is killed.