EDIT: Okay, I think I'm about done! Give it a check, GM! [hider=Tsubomi Mizuki: The Cheshire Cat] [b]Appearance:[/b][img=http://data2.whicdn.com/images/35761349/large.png] [b]Height:[/b] 5'6" [b]Weight:[/b] 140lbs [b]Hair Color:[/b] A mess of different shades of purple. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Aqua [b]Skin-tone:[/b] Fair [b]Name:[/b] Tsubomi Mizuki [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]History:[/b] Mizuki didn't have a particularly tragic past, though her parents were never really around and working hard for the most part to make enough money to keep her and her younger sister in school and still lead comfortable lives. Mizuki managed well enough to make them proud with her good grades, and her little sister was average, and though it was a busy life, it was a delightful family life whenever they all came together. At school, she was a primarily science and technology student, so was known around as one of the "geeks" of the year. Having done nothing to harm anybody in particular, except for maybe dissect (or moreso, mutilate) some sample animal hearts and lungs in the biology labs, she still questions why she was brought to the horrid place in which she finds herself with the other captives. The last thing she remembers is being about to leave the very quiet school library at the end of the school day to go home, after returning some books. Specifically two, one about human psychology and the other a literature piece about the occult. It was then that everything fades to black, and she has no idea how she found herself here. [b]Personality:[/b] Mizuki is a sophmore, though by no means a dumb one. In fact, she's one of the more exceptional students in her year, which is attributed to her deduction skills and good memory, and of course how she keeps her head in the books. She also retains a cheery air of playfulness even at this age, enjoying pranking or misleading anyone else for a good laugh whenever it's the perfect time and place though she means no serious harm. She even tries her hardest to speak in riddles to emphasise this trickster-nature but the overall effect isn't too flattering, since she screws up in some way or the other. Contradictions in her speech can often be pinpointed. She enjoys smiling whenever something excites her, and her grin is said to go from ear to ear, eerily so. She spends a good deal of her time devouring novel after novel, or text after text with a voracious appetite for knowledge. On the subject of food, she enjoys fine dining, among other luxuries, and can be known to be a little envious sometimes, even a little greedy. Above all, she's talkative, a naturally friendly and social person, and looks for opportunities to socialise wherever and whenever she can, despite the circumstances. [i]"Better to be in something with someone else than going it by yourself."[/i] Flirting fits into her character like a jigsaw piece and she might use given opportunities to make a pass, batting her lashes and almost purring in delight. Depending on the person, it can turn from innocent flirting to a more vulgar conversation which she enjoys heartily so. Honesty and loyalty are valuable to her as qualities, and she can be picky about long-term associations, and would much rather slink off than deal with dishonesty or unloyalty. Her character is a simple one, a typical highschool girl who likes talking about things like music and whatnot. She isn't startled too easily, and can stomach her fair share of blood and gore, though everything has a limit. However, with the looming, haunting effects of this new hellish environment she's found herself in now, things might be a little bit different... [b]Likes:[/b] Riddles and mysteries, being right, most animals, plants, literature and technology. [b]Dislikes:[/b]Absolute silence as well as very loud noises, being ignored or belittled, insects (though she's more okay with spiders than any old roach), mirrors/reflections; especially if one is in the dark, television. [b]Other:[/b] Something that makes up for every player's individual fears and so caters to them all in an unforgiving nightmare sort of way. [/hider]