Darrken watched as the two creatures parted ways. The beast-man's words made Darrken furrow his brow in confusion, but he continued eating the rest of the fish. They seemed like decent enough creatures. The beast-man was a tad on the dramatic side, but okay none-the-less. Darrken liked food and loot and anyone who gave him either couldn't be all bad. He finished the last of the fish and laid back and watched the fire as his eyes slowly closed. Some time later, Darrken awoke to the sound of a large crashing sound off in the woods in the direction the troll went off. He slightly cocked his head to get a better listen, but the noise seemed to be contained to that area. Unconcerned, he began to drift back off to sleep. He awoke soon after to a constant rustling sound in the trees around him. He looked up just in time to see a small man jumping down on him shouting: "Sneak attack!" Darrken didn't have to time think how odd it was that someone would say "sneak attack" before attempting a sneak attack. Not even saying, yelling it. Only a crazy man would do that. A tiny odd crazy man. Darrken rolled out of the way and the man lands right here Darrken's head was. "Stab stab!" The tiny man yells trying to poke Darrken with a dagger. Darrken jumped back. "What is your problem?" He yells lunging forward to punch the tiny man in the head. "Flee!" The man yells running away, his arms waving in the air like a lunatic. Darrken ran after him. He wasn't going to let a tiny little man dictate his actions to him and get away. The little man was quite fast and disappeared into the woods. As Darrken kept running in the direction the man had went, a small blue fireball shot from out of the woods and hit him square in the chest. It stopped him in his tracks and Darrken frantically put the flame out on his chest. "Damnit, that kind of hurt!" He yelled into the woods. "Then this should feel fantastic." Yelled a voice from the woods as an arrow pierced his chest. Luckily it wasn't deep and Darrken yanked it out with an ungodly yell. "Show yourselves cowards!" Darrken bellowed. From out of the woods strode two men, with the little man standing behind them, dagger at the ready. He quickly surveyed them. Near the front was a heavily armored man. He wasn't a knight though, for his left hand glowed blue. So the fireball had to come from him. In his right hand he held a mace covered in crosses. Crosses are never a good sign to any type of demon. Darrken knew that, but his brain reiterated it to him. Behind him stood an elf, bow in hand, aimed right at Darrken's head. Behind him cowered the little man. Mumbling "Stab stab." The elf spoke up first: "You killed our brother in arms. You will now pay with your life." "Look guys." Darrken started. "Let's not bicker and argue over who killed who..." Before he could finish his statement the armored man swung his mace right at Darrken's face. Darrken leaped back just barley avoiding it. "Fine then." Darrken growled. "I don't know what kind of weirdos team up together, but this is where it all ends!" Slowly it seemed as if Darrken's skin was burning. It began to blacken and slough off in patches to reveal iron underneath. His eyes turned black and the very ground beneath him erupted with black flames. The armored man grinned under his helmet. He was a demon hunter and he lived for this moment. Darrken lunged forward at the hunter trying to grab his helmet. The hunter rolled out of the way with surprising speed for someone in full armor. Both the elf and the little man sprinted back for the safety of the trees. The elf let fly an arrow, that harmlessly bounced off Darrken's iron skin. Rearing back, the hunter swung his mace at Darrken, who put up his arms to block it. It connected and with a mighty "WHACK" sent Darrken flying back, taking down a few trees in his wake. As Darrken rose to face the hunter, the little man jabbed at him with his dagger. The dagger bent in half. Without looking down, Darrken grabbed the little man by his head and threw him at the hunter. Without missing a beat the hunter swung his mace, batting the little man away from him and killing him instantly. "Holy shit!" Darrken exclaimed. Stopping in his tracks. Distracted, the elf run up behind Darrken to thrust one of his elven blades into Darrken's back. Darrken spun around and caught the elf's wrist. "No elf magic today." Darrken sneered crushing the elf's wrist. The elf fell in pain holding his wrist. Darrken turned just in time to avoid another hit from the hunter. "Today you will die hell spawn!" Exclaimed the hunter." Darrken avoided the next few blows. "That, is, a, different, creature!" Darrken bellowed back. The next swing from the hunter's mace struck Darrken on the face, sending him flying back and landing next to the wounded elf. The hunter raised the mace over his head and swung it down towards Darrken. Quickly Darrken grabbed the elf's blade and thrust it into the hunter's chest. The hunter slowly slumped over and died. Darrken turned to the elf, out of breath and badly injured. "We'll call it a draw." Darrken panted, slapping the elf and sending him flying backwards. Darrken slowly hobbled away."What a bunch of freaks." He said limping to find shelter and recover.