Remes was finding it hard to sleep. He rose slowly and stretched his body. He continued downstream to find a path to a nearby town. A while later, Remes found a well-lit bridge but it had a elf on it. He was wearing leather armour and had a wooden shield and spear. Remes approached the bridge and the elf noticed him. The elf asked " Are you Remes? " Remes nodded " I am here to stop you putting up snares and traps in the forest that I am protecting against exploitation." Remes said to the elf " so you are a druid, I take it? If so, why me? There is a troll and half-elf in the too. They could be causing damage as we speak." The druid replied " Indeed I am a druid. I am dedicated to stop hunters coming to this forest for many moons. You are hard to track. Also I needed to see if I can find any weaknesses. As for those two, they are not my concern." Remes shrugged because he know there was going to be a fight. Remes put down his rabbit pelt and bow. He was not good at hand to hand combat but he could disarm, grapple and bite the druid's neck. Remes took a stable pose and said " I am ready." The druid smirked and raised shield and spear. The two circle and finally the druid launched the first strike. Remes moved his body so that the spear would catch in the shoulder. As quick as the spear was in, Remes swiftly broke the shaft. The druid was surprised and angered. " You will pay with your life" said the druid throwing down the shaft. The druid drew a concealed knife and took rapid strikes. This was Remes's time to take action. As Remes dodged a strike, he tripped and pushed the druid on the ground " Surrender or pay with your life." Said Remes. " Never will I surrender!" Barked the druid "Your choice." said Remes and he bite off two chunks of flesh off the neck. The druid screamed in pain and shortly bleed out.Remes got his things and walk down the road. He needs to get his shoulder fixed.