casual | MxM You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters! Pirates were hunting down a ship rumored to be burdened with a great treasure. However, as the rumored ship was in view and cannon range, a horrific storm ripped the ships apart. Harsh waves and howling winds tossed the hulls about, crashing both ships on an island far from any trade route. An island that was not marked on any map. An island filled with supernatural horrors. Both ships are gutted. It would take both crews to work together to survive and get off the island. You're the pirates. I'm the other crew. A bit about my character: he comes from a notable family and is the first mate of the hunted ship. His captain died during the storm and now he has the responsibility to see his crew safely back home. What I'm looking for in a partner: Someone who doesn't mind when posting gets slow, say once a week. Someone creative who likes making plots and twists and other nonsense with me! Bring your own spice to the table and we'll craft something great, I'm sure. 18+ Casual-Advance; meaning casual to advance. Meaning knowing how long you can or should write. When to stop, when to go on. Length doesn't matter. I've received one liners and gave a novel. But don't give me halfhearted posts. That kills my love for you. And my love for our rp. Give me love. I give you love. I mean I already love you if you start this with me - lets continue that love. About me - I work two jobs. I have college classes. I'll be posting once a week at the very minimum. However, there will be times when I'm on everyday. Just don't go expecting that to be the norm. I'm 20 and if it really matters, I'm female. I'm pretty easy going and open minded to a lot of things. I'm friendly. I like to chat ooc about our rp or exchange ideas or simply to check up on you.