[quote=Turtlicious] Alright I just got done shopping for the month, so now my pantry in it's entirety contains:12 Cans of Tomato Puree3.5 lbs of medium white onions4 lbs Carrots1 stalk celerybunch of garlicChili powderItalian SeasoningSeasoned SaltBlack PepperCrush red pepper flakesground cinnamonoreganogarlic powderPancake Mix3.5 boxes of macaroni8lbs potatoes5lbs rice (long grain, white)1lbs pinto beans4lbs sugar4lbs flour (All purpose)6 packets of yeast1qrt of vinegar10 frozen hamburger patties5qrts cookies and cream ice cream3lbs frozen corn12 eggsSome mustard <1 jarSome mayo 1+ <1 jar1Gal Butter1Gal Milk3lbs Full bottom Round Roast (Cow)3lbs Bone in, pork sirloin end roast (pig)My roommate also has a few things like BBQ sauce, ketchup, relish and stuff like that but he's pretty lacking in the seasonings department. [/quote] Everything goes into one giant cauldron and is cooked together. Then ferment it.