[I]"So much for humor...figures I'd be stuck with Captain Hardass."[/i] thought Frost Bite as he pushed himself off the wall and looked at the picture. "Ok then that's all fine and dandy and we should get going. But my dear fearless leader may I suggest one of us waits outside the building in case they try to get away. The Inspector and I used to team up and he'd always go inside while I kept myself outside and fiddled with my freaking thumbs up my butt. Regardless of how unappetizing it is if they get away because just ONE of us is not guarding the back door or the front then we'll be kicking ourselves in the butt later." Commented Frost Bite. He wasn't the guy to bring up 'strategy' crap usually but hey this was how he usually got things done and it was effective. Not to usurp this 'Little Bro' guy's position or anything it was simply a matter of getting the job done. Besides Meta Humans were a specialty of his own make.