Ocllo chuckled at his last comment. [i]I think I need two weeks.[/i] She thought. She felt exhausted, but being with her friends made her feel a bit more energetic, or perhaps that was the stimulants kicking in again. She sat down at a desk, the book still in hand but gave Richard and his plan her full attention. This project was something new and wonderful to think about, it would keep her mind off... [i]Halloween[/i]. She felt as though she would never do Halloween ever again. She decided that she would forget tonight, bury it somewhere deep in her subconscious and never speak of it again. Except now there was Jack. Would it be so easy to bury? “That is a good plan. If you are going to look into Clowers, I’ll do some research on the facility.” She felt as though she could safely make an inquiry, and perhaps even arrange a visitation. Her friends did not need to know that talking to doctors and medical administrators was an area of experience for her. She tried to make it seem as if she were simply taking her share of the plan-pie. “Which leaves you with, hm, making sure your folks are okay with us staying over.” She tried not to look tired, according to ‘the story’ Richard and Addie had a much more frantic evening. She tucked her dark hair behind her ears. “Are you sure they would be okay with that?”