From [url=]this[/url] interest check. [img=] The Pacific Wave nightclub was initially a pub, established in Vancouver by two brothers following the end of WWII. It prospered for five decades, gradually expanding its scale, resources and fame. Legends have it that every patron of the establishment have some kind of secrets to tell, and its walls embodied the stories of those who walked within. The old Pacific Wave was shut down at the onset of the twenty-first century. Nobody knew why, though some suspected poor management of the founders' grandchildren plunging it into bankruptcy. Eventually, the famous pub became a mere abandoned structure. It was purchased two years ago by an investor, who immediately started renovation and reconstruction to the rundown building. Last week, the lights of Pacific Wave, unlit for ten years straight, shone once again. The 50's pub was no more, and in its place, a modern nightclub dazzled with bright neon signs. Surprisingly, you have received an invitation (either physically or digitally) for the opening night... --- Welcome to the Pacific Wave, a free-form RP focusing on slice of life encounters laced with optional sub-plots. The place is Vancouver, Canada and the time is September 1st, 2014. You've decided to join the opening celebration of the nightclub as an invited guest or a hired employee. You will meet other characters and NPCs of this RP, it'll all be a good time eh? Everyone should start with only one character, I will allow two to start with if they have established relationships with each other (friends, family, love interests etc.). You'll be given the chance to expand your character inventory later on in the RP. --- [hider=Rules][*]No godmodding/meta-gaming/controlling other players, just the basic stuff that applies to every RP.[/*] [*]IC banters are fine and dandy, but keep your arguments inside IC conversations. We're all friends in OOC, being hostile in OOC will guarantee your removal.[/*] [*]We all have real life and RP will only be a hobby. With that said, a minimal posting frequency is to be expected. Try to get something in at least every week, if you can't, let me know, you won't be kicked for IRL matters.[/*] [*]Every character are adults, therefore mature themed conversations are allowed. However, please refrain from explicit sexual content or graphic violence.[/*][/hider] [hider=Character Sheet][*]Name: (full name and nicknames)[/*] [*]Gender:[/*] [*]Age: (the minimal drinking age in BC is 19, no minor characters)[/*] [*]Appearance: (rough estimates of height, weight, typical clothing, ethnicity)[/*] [*]Personality:[/*] [*]Occupation:[/*] [*]Brief biography:[/*][/hider] [hider=Accepted Characters][*][url=]Blake Bell[/url][/*][/hider]