[img=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/178/d/0/_arigato_natsu_kun___fairy_tail_oc__by_sora_no_tori-d7o7uxg.jpg] Dark teal coloured hair and pale blue eyes. Is found usually wearing things like [url=http://th05.deviantart.net/fs33/PRE/f/2008/291/d/0/Sabine_by_phungdinhdung.jpg]this[/url]. Lola’s guild mark is silver and is located on the back of her neck. [center][i]“I don’t only need my mind to make things a reality. I will carve the future with my bare hands.”[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Lola Joyrani / / / [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Height:[/b] 5’3” / / / [b]Weight:[/b] 121 lbs [b]Likes:[/b] Citrus fruits, rain and reading. / / / [b]Dislikes:[/b] Heights, alcohol and violence. [b]Personality:[/b] Lola has a strong set of morals which she strictly adheres to. What’s good should be praised and what’s bad should be punished. However, she also believes in second chances especially when people are willing to better themselves and make amends for past actions. It is usually for this reason that people see her as gullible and may try to trick her or lead her astray. Friendly, caring, dependable, intelligent and methodical. These are the five qualities that accurately describe the kind of person Lola is. While she doesn’t overly enjoy talking to people due to a small case of shyness, Lola values the presence of others, most especially fellow guild members and makes it her mission in life to make them feel accepted and wanted. She is also the kind of person to give hugs to those who need it, whether they know it or not, since she cannot stand sad people when she can do something to make them feel better. Lola never goes back on a promise, if she says she’ll do something then she will not stop until meeting fulfilment, this also goes for the unspoken promise that she will always be there to support her friends. Naturally bright, Lola is thus able to easily store and recall a large amount of information and is found to be very well organised, though sometimes borderline obsessive compulsive. However, what people don’t know is that her methodical behaviour is an integral part of her real magic, for without order and logic her magic would not work or else have dire repercussions. [b]Cover Magic:[/b] Requip [b]Description:[/b] The easiest way to describe her real magic is to simply say that Lola uses a pocket dimension to store various objects. (A description which isn’t really accurate at all.) This reasoning is what led Lola to use Requip as a cover magic since stronger magics got the attention of the Magic Council. Something that smart mages know to fear. Unlike the usual mages who use Requip magic, Lola does not hold any kind of weapon or armour in the ‘pocket dimension,’ instead she uses it to hold personal items such as clothing, books, toiletries as well as things she can use to perform parlour tricks, like a magician pulling a toy rabbit from a hat. [b]Real Magic:[/b] Mind Construction or Mind Summon [b]Detailed description:[/b] A magic whereby the imagined becomes real through the art of mental manufacturing. As long as it can be defined as object, Lola has the power to make it reality. This is where Lola’s intelligent and methodical personality becomes fundamental for the magic to actually work at all. Lola needs to know exactly how a object works in order to create it fully functional. So, pretty much if Lola wants to summon… let’s say a sword, then she essentially needs to make it from scratch in her mind. Like a blacksmith melts metal, pours melted metal in a mould, cools moulded metal in water, heats it up and does the anvil and hammer thing and whatever else a black smith does until the sword is completely finished. Since Lola's magic revolves around the Mind, she is also capable of using illusion magic and summoning the minds of spirits. Like all magics, Mind Construction has a few weaknesses that Lola must be mindful of. The more complex the object the longer it takes to make and the more magic is needed to create it. A strong and clear mind is essential for this type of magic and it is for this reason that she doesn’t consume things that will effect her mind in a negative manner, such as alcohol. Creating ‘living’ things is something Lola cannot do because what came first, the chicken or the egg? [hider=Extra:] Lola's favourite number is 42, she likes long strolls on the beach, likes it when it rains but not storms and loves reading horribly boring books on 'how things work.'[/hider]