The New Mexico desert was stretched before Ethan's eyes, with no end to it in sight. So there it was, atop the mountain, where the boy sat, drinking from his water bottle. He had been traveling for at least three hours now, he was exhausted. "How long until I make it to this place?" he said to himself. He sat there contemplating the landscape layed out in front of him, wondering if this place where apparently mutants were being trained was actually real or if it was just a set up. "Well, I'm not going to find out by just sitting here." he said while he put his water bottle in his backpack and stood up, ready to continue making his way towards Xavier's place, which was where mutants were training. As Ethan stood up, he felt the wind, it was blowing rather strongly today. "Nothing like a good breeze during a hot day in the desert." he said while he put his backpack back on. He put his hands facing downwards and suddenly, fire began to shoot out of them at high speeds propelling him upwards. He proceeded to steady himself while on the air and repositioned his hands and feet so they would be facing backwards and fire began to shoot out of both his hands and his feet, making him rocket forward at very high speeds. As he was rocketing forward, he looked down, scanning the ground below him, seeing if he could find anything that resembles a mansion. During his trip, while he was looking for the mansion, he came across what looked like a town below him. "Maybe I could stop here and have a snack, I'm starving." he said to himself as he began his descent, he made sure he landed away from the town so that no one would see that he was a mutant. As he approached the town he began to see that this town was a ghost town for the most part, the people were nowhere to be seen and the homes looked like a tornado ripped through them. As Ethan kept creeping through the town, as if some sort of ghost was going to hear him if he didn't, he made it to the middle of the town where he saw a group of people. "Um, hello?" he asked, almost scared to be raising his voice. When the men turned around, he saw they had guns and lots of them, he also turned and saw black SUV's (presumably theirs) parked next to one of the homes. The men suddenly raised their guns and aimed at Ethan, who did what his instincts told him to and aimed his hands toward the ground as the flames began to shoot out, propelling him upwards, and then, yet again, he aimed his hands backwards and he was rocketing through the air as he felt his leg was in pain, when he looked down he saw that one bullet had hit him in his right leg. "So much for my fucking snack." he growled as he kept flying, faster and faster to avoid being followed by those men. After five minutes or so, he had lost way too much blood to keep going, as he began to lose strength, he began to fall down, during this fall, Ethan fought to stabilize himself and prevent his untimely demise, while he did manage to prevent his death, he still didn't have enough strength in him for a proper landing and ended up crash-landing into the sand. "Shit, now what am I going to do?" he asked himself, looking around to see if there was a way to survive through this ordeal. "I guess I'm walking then." he said as he slowly got up and began walking in the direction where the mansion was supposed to be. As he was walking, he began to feel weaker and weaker, until he was too weak to continue. He attempted to move forward but couldn't. "Fuck, I guess this is how it ends." he said as he couldn't move from the weakness that came with losing a lot of blood. As he laid there, in the middle of the desert, he resigned and closed his eyes, waiting for his inevitable fate, a minute or so later, he fell asleep, but to Ethan's surprise, he woke up and all he could see was a very bright light and heard people talking. "What... what is going on here, where am I?" he asked as he struggled to move. "You are awake and well, it would seem that this operation was a success after all!" said one of the men, with a sort of surprised tone. "How are you feeling? We found you lying out-cold out there in the desert, you seemed to have lost a lot of blood." said a woman with a preoccupied tone. Ethan was beginning to regain movement in his body, his leg still hurt a lot but it felt better than it did when he was shot. "Yeah I'm fine, where am I?" Ethan asked, still struggling to sit up, but he eventually did. "That's good to hear, we were out for our morning walk and found you lying there, we went to check on you and when we saw you were fine, we brought you hear so my husband could heal you." said the lady in a kind tone as she walked over to a table and grabbed a plate with a sandwich on it. "Here, you should eat something." she said as she offered Ethan the plate. "Thank you miss." Ethan said as he grabbed the plate and quickly began to eat the sandwich the lady had offered him. When Ethan was done eating his sandwich he turned to the man and the woman. "I honestly can't thank you enough for what you did, but I need to be going." he said as he stood up rather shakily mostly due to the pain. "You're leaving so soon? You should stay for a while and rest more, it will help you." said the man looking rather worried. "I understand your concern, but I have to meet some people and they're very close to here, I can rest there." he lied, in actuality he had no idea how much farther he had to go to make it to the mansion, but he needed to get moving so he didn't have time for this. "Well, take care out there young man, and stay out of trouble." said the man and woman in unison while she picked up Ethan's backpack and gave it to him. "Thanks, will do!" Ethan said as he put his backpack on and attempted to waddle his way out as it was still hard for him to walk properly. "You sure you don't need help there?" said the man "I could give you a ride if you want." he added with a concerned look on his face. "No, I'm fine, I can make it there on my own, thanks for the offer though, and good bye!" shouted Ethan, but as he walked out of the man's home, he regretted what he had said. "If only I would've let me take a drive with him to the place I was told about." he said to himself, rather angrily as the pain was killing him with every step he took. How Ethan wished he could just use his fire to fly away, but he'd risk getting seen and chased by people who don't exactly like mutants. When Ethan made sure he was far enough from the town that he could start propelling himself upwards with his fire, he did and soon, he was again on his way to the location he was given, though, on his way there, he started to feel strange until he began to feel reality warping. "What's happening here?" he said as he tried to go faster but to no avail, he was all of a sudden, in some mansion he did not recognize. "Where am I? Is this the mansion I was looking for?"