[list] [b][*]Name: (full name and nicknames)[/b] Blake Bell[/*] [b][*]Gender:[/b] Male[/*] [b][*]Age: [/b] 24[/*] [b][*]Appearance: [/b] Blake is a 5'10", 175 pound, caucasion male with an accent that places him from the South-Eastern United States. He has shoulder length jet black hair, and deep green eyes. He is generally in nice blue jeans and a polo shirt, you can also tell that he has both ears pierced with small studs in them, and a small silver hoop in the bottom left part of his lip. If his sleeve rides up his left arm a little you can see a tribal type of tattoo wrapping around his arm and making its way to his shoulder, had you seen him without the shirt the tattoo would come over his shoulder and form a dragon head coming down to his chest. He appears to be in shape, and always relaxed.[/*] [b][*]Personality:[/b] He used to be relatively shy, until he started working retail sales at 18, which forced him to come out of his shell, and be able to carry on a conversation with people. Now he is known as a laid back guy, who doesn't mind being the object of a joke.[/*] [b][*]Occupation:[/b] Owner of a Website Design company and programmer who tends to work on indie games in his spare time.[/*] [b][*]Brief biography:[/b] He was born in Florida, the oldest of two kids, where he did well in school earning him a full scholarship to the home of the Seminoles, Florida State University. During college he started working at a small retail shop, till he graduated with a degree in Business Management. After receiving his degree, he decided to take what money he had saved and move to Vancouver where he luckily got a break when he started his company.[/*] [/list]