[img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/69/F-100C_4mation_060905-F-1234S-064.jpg/800px-F-100C_4mation_060905-F-1234S-064.jpg[/img] On November 22, 1956. Warsaw Pact forces begin to move into place near West Germany's borders. NATO command expects a assault might be coming and alerts forces to be prepared. On the 24th, It happens, Warsaw Pact forces cross the border and NATO forces move in to defend. One of the elements of the defense is the Second Allied Tactical Air Force, responsible for the defense of Northern Germany, from its now wartime HQ in The Netherlands commanding the RAF Second Tactical Air Force, Royal Netherlands Air Force, Belgian Air Force, Luftwaffe Command North, and a USAF Tactical Fighter Squadron. Name: Rank: Age: Nationality: Aircraft: (This will be first gen jet fighters and the F-100) Description: