Morgan continued to look down, myriad thoughts running through his mind. Mostly about the human who had just saved his life, and put a seal on his curse mark. He ran his hands through his hair, and tugged at the locks ever so slightly. His frustration extremely apparent in his face, before he looked up to speak. His eyes were now a dull indigo, meaning that he had resigned himself to whatever the human would wish of him. "There is no need to apologize. I know that you will never trust me. It's hard for a demon to trust another demon." He said, looking over at the horse. "The horse needed to be healed, or it would die. So, I did what is right and what I felt I owed you for what you have just done for me." He said, nodding. "I don't think you understand quite how much I am grateful to you, Guardian." He said, looking up at the human, straight into her eyes, as if he was looking at her inner self; her soul. He wanted to stand, to maybe walk with the human, so he did as such. "By the way, I don't intend to leave your side. I am in your debt."