"There is no need to apologize. I know that you will never trust me. It's hard for a demon to trust another demon." Demon? Artur wrote it off as an elfish expression, and didn't pay it any mind except to file it away for later conversations. Artur didn't like the way the elf was looking at him, through him, so he turned away and went to Revelations, who had dozed off nearby. ""I don't think you understand quite how much I am grateful to you, Guardian. By the way, I don't intend to leave your side. I am in your debt." Artur turned his head over his shoulder at the elf and smiled thinly. He liked being called "Guardian". It made him feel . . . powerful. "And I intend to rid you of this curse," he said, turning back to run his hand through his stallion's mane, "But not tonight. Dawn is breaking and I'd like to return tot the village to make sure the villagers are safe." Absently, his hand drifted to his rib. He'd need to bandage that. Perhaps the village would have a healer, or at least private rooms where he could take care of it himself, without being seen.