[quote=Revans Exile]That "kid" is guilty of smoking pot,[/quote] You... you mean he smoked a plant? O_O [youtube]7Lv2KyEjR9M[/youtube] [quote=Revans Exile]That "kid" was a useless piece of trash who deserved to die.[/quote] Having made one mistake with the police does not count you as being useless trash. And regardless, an officer's actions must be based on the actions of the specific situation taking place, not any kind of bias of the individuals involved, and not on any actions unrelated to the moment/incident in question. [quote=Omega]For those who have not heard there has been another shooting in the St. Louis area with a man shot and killed by cops.For those who do not wish to watch, the video depicts Kajieme Powell, a 25 year old man who had just performed a robbery with the apparent intent of drawing police to his location and had his friend tape the encounter. When the police arrived they exited with guns draw at which point Powell drew a knife and walked towards them exclaiming "Shoot me." The cops told him to get back repeatedly, however, he did not comply and after closing to within a few feet both cops began firing with approximately ten shots being in rapid succession at close range killing Powell.[/quote] I physically can't watch it... Every time I click "confirm" it simply re-loads the page warning me about violent content. So assuming that description is accurate, that's just a case of suicide by cop... Not nearly as debatable as the case here.