[quote=Magic Magnum] Both cases are still tragic, definitely.[b]It's just that one's a lot more clear cut on what happened than the other is[/b]. [/quote] Given the police officer sustained serious head injuries (a broken eye socket), and given that Michael Brown attacked the officer to begin with, aaand given witnesses are coming forth and confirming this (not to mention the forensic evidence on Brown's own body)... well, from all I've heard, it seems pretty clear what we have here is indeed another Trayvon Martin case. A justified shooting, in this case a police officer defending his life from a brutal attacker intent on getting his gun. However, given this is not over, who knows what the final "verdict" will be. Unfortunately, just like in the Martin case, there will be people who will refuse to believe "the truth" of the matter. Because they believe their "truth" is real, even if it is just a "myth". A proven falsehood. In other words, a lose/lose situation. In either case, a tragedy, if not a travesty.