[hider=The Prism] [b]Name[/b]: Has forgotten any name they once held. Calls itself the Prism, or Priz. [B]Alias/Title[/B]: "That Weird Guy in the Cloak" (AKA, No actual titles yet) [B]Race[/B]: Fractured [B]Age[/B]: Appears to be about 24 [B]Appearance[/B] [img=http://images2.fanpop.com/image/forum/49000/49376_1277882540829_full.jpg] While retaining a humanoid appearance, Priz's body is covered in patches of a dense, semi-transparent crystal. This crystal is most condensed around its forearms and hands, calves and feet, and the right side of its face. The largest area of skin exists on Priz's form on its upper chest. Priz tends to hide such obvious deformities with a white cloak, loose black pants, and bandages. Priz has a bright orange eye, and bluish hair with white areas. [B]Weapon Appearance[/B]: Priz uses long claws which extend from its fingertips, as well as blades which emerge from the soles of its feet (think ice skates). [B]Combat Abilities[/B]: Priz, with the aid of the claws and skates, is a very graceful and fluid fighter. Priz makes it a point to move fast, and hit faster. By using the power of Ice, Priz is able to glide across most surfaces with the skates, enabling quick maneuvers to be easily achieved. The claws can be charged with Light, allowing the Fractured to shoot off moderately powerful blasts, or deliver sharper hits. Of course, the downside to all of this is that when using such power, the sporadic energy can overcharge and even crack Priz's limbs, so they makes it a point to use such magic sparingly. Instead, they uses Ice to send forth jagged icicles, create treacherous terrain, and create small creations of Ice to enhance mobility (ramps, small pillars/poles). [B]Non-Combat Abilities[/B]: With the eye that was taken when its previous self was turned into a Fractured, Priz can see wavelengths of light normally invisible, as well as disturbances in said Light more acutely (i.e. If a Heartless is possessing/hiding in an object, Priz can see it as long as it's relatively nearby). It's also not bad at ice sculpting. [B]Personality[/B]: The Prism is an incredibly paranoid individual. It constantly looks over its shoulder, and wonders just when its time will be up. This is a feeling (or rather, a shadow of one) induced from the scattered state of its mind, and the violence they experienced shortly after "birth". While this paranoia doesn't usually result in aggressive behavior, it does cause Priz to be incredibly uneasy around humans, bolting at the slightest sign of violence. However, if backed into a corner, Priz can get hysterical and lash out rather brutally. If one manages to actually convince it that they mean no harm, and that is a pretty big feat, Priz will be a timid friend and a reliable ally. As a side note, Priz doesn't identify with a gender, as they feel they are meant for humans, even though its appearance is notably male. [B]History[/B]: In the light of the Broken Center, just a few days after the Fracturing, a lithe form had appeared in a now-abandoned park. It's body was covered in crystal, some parts even completely composed of it, and it looked absolutely terrified. Once it began going around town, trying to understand what exactly happened, to understand whatever it was...others were springing up everywhere, different kinds of monsters with different origins. And the people...the people hated them all. Some chased after the figure, the poor, lonely figure. It outran them, but their spells bit into it, and sent it skittering into the alleyways. After a few weeks of stealthy wandering, the figure understood. Partially, at least. It wasn't alone, as there were others. Well, it thought so, at least, seeing as they didn't attack it. They were chaotic, though, and unpredictable, and not fitting company for it. This revelation didn't fix what seemed like empty spaces on its heart. After concluding that it wasn't human, the figure decided to take on a non-human name identity. It would call itself The Prism, after the crystalline structures adorning its body. It would be another month of attacks and running before The Prism, or Priz, as it sometimes referred to itself, could find adequate clothing to hide the deformities caused by the Light, and be able to hide from the humans. Even [i]among[/i] them, if they was careful. From that point on, it was just down to running about Luce, just trying to survive. That's been the objective for six months, and Priz doesn't see a reason to change it. [B]Reputation[/B]: Priz drifts, and has no notability when they are covered up. People tend to attack on sight, otherwise. [B]Song[/B]:(A song for your character, because why not? Optional.)[/hider]