[quote=Omega] For those who have not heard there has been another shooting in the St. Louis area with a man shot and killed by cops.For those who do not wish to watch, the video depicts Kajieme Powell, a 25 year old man who had just performed a robbery with the apparent intent of drawing police to his location and had his friend tape the encounter. When the police arrived they exited with guns draw at which point Powell drew a knife and walked towards them exclaiming "Shoot me." The cops told him to get back repeatedly, however, he did not comply and after closing to within a few feet both cops began firing with approximately ten shots being in rapid succession at close range killing Powell. [/quote] I understand that he had a knife and was walking towards them, but you don't need to shot at him ten times. I think that one or two shots in the leg would get him back to reality, but shoot him ten times, that doesn't make any fucking sense. Oh wait, we are talking about American cops after all. [quote=So Boerd] I fully expect everyone who accused the officer, if that evidence is true, to apologize for denying the officer presumption of innocence. [/quote] I aren't going to apologize to the officer, who shot him way more times than I would. But, if you're the American citizen, that thinks that black people are crazy as fuck, then you should have a hard look at your self. --- I believe that the cops shouldn't aim to kill, but aim to harm. Which means shooting in the leg not at the head at the first shot, but we are talking about America here. Also, [url=http://www.sacbee.com/2014/08/19/6639739/china-chides-us-over-ferguson.html]China is using this event to talk some sense to America[/url], which is funny and China has good points.