[quote=So Boerd] Officer Wilson had a broken eye socket. Meaning, his eye was fixed and unable to focus. Why do you think his aim was so horrendous? He had double vision as a result of a fixed eye. Even if by some miracle he hit Michael in the leg, Michael could still beat him in a fistfight. He's dizzy, seeing double, and has precious feet before this giant man is on him. If he doesn't act, he's . Have you ever been in mortal danger? [/quote] Well, If Wilson had a broken eye socket and was beaten, shouldn't he be tired and not be able to move due to the eye. And what about the other officers? Could they just hit him with batons and shit? Wait, we still talking about America, right? [quote=So Boerd] I refuse to force police officers, some of whom have wives and children, to risk their lives to save a suicidal loon trying to kill them. [/quote] Well, the officers know the risks of going to work each day and If I was a officer (and I would never be), I would not kill the bad guys. Ever. [quote=Zendric] If I was in one of those officer's situations, I would shoot until the person was on the ground. Pretty reasonable. The guy wanted to die by cops and certainly got what he wanted. In America using lethal force to only harm or injure is a great way to get sent to jail. There have been successful prosecutions in the past that use the case "If you felt you were in enough danger to justify lethal force to defend yourself why did you just shoot them in the leg/arm?" Funny indeed. [/quote] 1) Well, but shooting the leg or the hip, that person would be on the ground and crying for him mother. 2) It's sad that if you only use force to injure person rather than kill them (which I don't ever want to do). But after all, we are talking about America here. 3) Come on, it's funny that other countries are talking the truth issues in America. Even Russia and Iraq, talked some sense to them.