[b][center]SERIES ROLEPLAYS I REALLY WANT TO DO![/center][/b] [center]These are the top FIVE series roleplays I want to do. For these, I seek males who want to play Canons (characters from the series) and allow me an OC with the canons I will also play. I already have plots for these. =D 1 ) Tales of Symphonia ((We'll split up the Canons via gender and then I'll throw in the OC.)) 2 ) Samurai Champloo ((You get Jin and Mugen, and I get Fuu and OC)). 3 ) Yu-Yu Hakusho ((We split the boys as wanted, extra canons as wanted, and then throw in the OC.)) 4 ) Yu-Gi-Oh ((Kaiba, Bakura, Pegasus for you, I can control basically the rest of the canons, less you want them, and throw in my OC.)) 5 ) Resident Evil ((You get Wesker (Chris as well would be nice) and I got my OC.))[/center]