Sophia noticed the horse starting to tense up watching it turning its head towards the wooded area near the highway and heard a woman's voice ordering her to back away from the horse, that's when she saw her holding a bow in her hands aimed right at her. "Okay I will." Sophia said holding her arms up in the air and backed off she took her gun and laid it down on the floor to show Raven she didn't mean any harm. Sophia turned around to see Ashley getting out of the car and walking towards them motioning for Ash to stop, then Katelyn came out shortly after Autumn did. Sophia looked back at Star seeing the horse was still very docile reminding her that horses that are usually like that are show horses like she rode when she was younger. "Your horse seems very calm, i'm guessing she is a show horse of some kind? I used to ride them when I was younger." Sophia said trying to make some small talk so that Raven wouldn't feel threatened. "I'm Sophia by the way, this is Autumn, Ashley and my sister Katelyn. We really don't mean any harm we were just passing through." Sophia said softly.