I'm very sorry for the wait! I've been unexpectedly busy! Here's a quick CS I made. [center][b]The Doctor[/b] [img]http://static.libsyn.com/p/assets/6/b/6/c/6b6cd6faf67ff4cb/the_ninth_doctor.jpg[/img] [b]Other Aliases:[/b] John Smith, The Oncoming Storm, and Theta Sigma. [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] Approximately 900 years old. [b]Occupation:[/b] UNIT scientific adviser and Renegade. [b]Appearance:[/b] The ninth Doctor had a dark look to him. His eyes were striking, an icy blue color, and his face was more hardened and rough than most of his predecesors. This incarnation was notable for his conspicuous ears, a feature which he is vocally unhappy with. His hair, on the other hand, is much less abundent than other incarnations of him self, being light brown with a receding hair line. His clothing was also much darker, and rather sleek. A simple dark colored jumper (In dark greens, reds, and purple.) was worn under a long black leather jacket. The jacket has been compared to that of a World War II era U-boat captain, and is similar in design to the waist coat worn by his previous body. Bellow the waist, he wears a simple pair of dark trousers and black leather boots. The darker dress of the ninth Doctor can be attributed to his darker personality. [b]Personality:[/b] The ninth Doctor was born in fire and war, as he died believing he had caused the Death of the Time Lords. He used sharp wit and the occasional quip to burry this guilt, causing this pain to eat at him more and more. Nevertheless, he continued qto travel the universe and save lives, perhaps to atone for the lives lost on Galifrey. His anger and sorrow, however, fueled his actions and made him more reckless and deadly. If there's anything that can keep him grounded and stable, it's Rose. She even has kept him from making a choice he'll regret, such as killing the lone Dalek. His care for her surpases the care for himself, allowing her to take command essentially. Anything Rose says goes, anything she wants she will have. And he will never let anyone harm her, even if it involves lying to her. Aside from his devil may care personality, the ninth Doctor was surprisingly alert and able. His command of the TARDIS was much better than that of other versions of himself, being able to land exactly when and where he intended. He was also much more assertive, and never took no for an answer. But that's not to say he is always stern and serious. He's allowed himself to get giddy, such as when he met Charles Dickens, and can be filled with joy despite his stoic nature. Still, this is perhaps one of the Doctor's darker personas. [b]Biography[/b] At the end of the Last Great Time War, The Doctor used a moment to destroy both the Time Lords and Daleks. Or so he thought, The War Doctor met two of his future regenerations and companion, Clara. This combination gave the Doctors an idea to save Galifrey, one which involved all 13 versions of the Time Lord. This plan instead saved Galifrey and had it sealed safe, in a bubble universe. But to secure the timeline, this was wiped from his memory. The War Doctor regenerated due from old age and to save the time line. This resulted in him believing Galifrey was lost. At the beginning of his life, The Doctor was enraged and saddened. Shortly after this regeneration he found his way to Earth and met Rose Tyler. Rose worked in a shop , or did until The Doctor destroyed it to kill the Autons found there. Rose had little in the way of ambition, she was just a lower class girl wanting to make ends meet. Until this stranger blew into her life. In her search for this Doctor, they eventually crossed paths several times. Together they defeated the Nestene Consciousness and saved humanity from the terror of the Autons. When asked to travel with him, Rose refused and the Doctor left. He went on several adventures alone, and traveled for quite some time, until he met Ali; an Alien from Karkinos. Ali first met the Doctor at a family picnic, one attacked by a Starman. Later in her life, he met him again, and the two chased the Starman to Babylon, Earth. Once defeated, he returned Ali to her home planet, where she convinced him to go back for Rose. He returned and mentioned the TARDIS also traveled in time. She kissed her then boyfriend goodbye and left to see the stars. And they've been running ever since.[/center]