[u]Student[/u] [hider=Synn] [center][b]Full Name: [/b][/center] [center] Kane Synn [/center] [center][b]Alias/Assassin name:[/b][/center] [center]Sin [/center] [center][b]Age: [/b][/center] [center] 18 [/center] [center][b]personality:[/b][/center] Kane is quiet. He dosnt say much, and is more of the "do as your told" and "young people are better seen than heard" type person. He simply does what is asked and dosnt question it. He is the type of kid who was avoided during his younger years, because "its that one kid." And the other kids were right. Though he is quiet, when he doe talk, it always seems to be. Large emotional outbreak. This student WILL give our counselor his fare share of work. [center][b]Skills: [/b][/center] Kane is a tad bit of a perfectionist, and accomplishes most task first try. He has an unnaturaly fast reaction time, and do to the several eyes lovated at various points on his body, has 360* of vision. [center][b]Weapons:[/b][/center] [center]Hands, Claws, whips, basic ninja tools (such as kunai, smoke pellets etc.)[/center] [center][b]Powers: [/b][/center] Though Kane himself has no powers, he does house a spirit in his body who does. The spirit can control blood, and a few similar liquids. It can also exert energy in physical form. Allowing it to make shields, weapons, or even allow kane to influence things, seemingly telekineticly. [center][b]background: [/b][/center] Kane was always a quiet child, an made others nervous around him. When he grew older, he killed hi younger brother able by accident. This went down in history as the first murder in his city. He was placed in the local jail, and given trial. He was given a option: to hang, or leave forever. His parents in an attempt to protect him sent him to a school for assassins. This could be the best or worst option for him. At least hanging he would recieve a proper burial. His parents were confident in him though. After all, "Nothing could possibly WANT to kill anybody, especialy kane." [center][b]Allies: [/b][center] [center] none yet. He feels abandoned by his (imaginary) friends and family.[/center] [center][b]Family: [/b][/center] [center] A mother named Claire, and a father named John. His deceased brother is Abel. [/center] [center][b]Other: [/b][/center] Kane houses a spirit within him, and in extremely dangerous situations, they take over. This spirit isnt exactly stable though, and it often leaks its insanity into kane's mind. He has no control, which i itonic considering he is a perfectionist. [url=http://fav.me/d7wa71x]Devian Art Pic[/url] [/hider] ---- Oops i clicked quote when i meant edit...