[img=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140806120329/fairytailfanon/images/6/6a/Hayashi_Battle_Attire.jpg] Ken also wears bandages which covers his right eye. Ken has a giant black stamp on his back, which also seems to cover other previous tattoos. [i][u]"Were you expecting any mercy from me? That was your first mistake"[/u][/i] Name: Kenji Magnus or Ken for short / / / Age: 22 Height: 6'0 / / / Weight: 160 Likes: Violence, meat, and stars / / / Dislikes: Sweets, waiting, those who prey on the weak, reading and his brother Personality: Ken is mischievous, battle hungry and intimidating man. Ken isn't a man with morals or honor, he does what he has to do. Even if that includes biting somebodies face to win. Ken has gained a somewhat negative reputation with the guild thanks to his intimidating nature. But thanks to the ruthlessness of the Magic Council, Ken knows when to bite his tongue. Ken specializes in street smarts rather than book smarts, due to the fact that he never really learned how to read. However, in times of need Ken will step up if no one else does. The one thing that Ken hates more than his brother is people who prey on the weak. He will beat those people to a pulp, no matter who it is. Even though he is mostly seen as a evil man, he does have his kinder side when it comes to weak animals and children. Cover Magic: Bacteria Magic Description: By first manipulating one's own Eternano and infusing it into the loose microbes in the air, the user is able to gain control over any bacteria in the air and can manipulate it to their will. On the surface, this magic is a weak and useless in the eyes if the magic council. The known skills is the ability to turn a cough into a cold, headache into a migraine or a stomach ache into nausea. However, the true skills of this magic is more shown when physical contact is made, giving Ken more control on his opponents bacteria. Another unknown skill is that he has a near immunity to poisons and sickness, since he's capable of creating antibodies from other bacteria. Without physical contact, Bacteria magic can't do a whole lot except for modifying himself or giving weak ailments to his opponents. But his training in Bacteria Magic was merely a prerequisite for his real magic Real Magic: Necromancy: Corrosion Detailed description: Necromancy is a lost magic which belongs in the Black Arts, only obtainable through the Demon's Eye. This Lost Magic, allows its practitioner to conjure vile spirits, commune with and command the dead, and utilize negative energy to afflict and consume the life force of living beings. It is a wholly evil magic that will taint the souls of those it touches, and corrupt those that practice it. Necromancy has a broad horizon of uses, granting the user the ability to manipulate souls of the living and dead through the Black Arts. The majority of Necromancy's power is derived from both negative energy and communicating with the dead, performing rituals, and other various methods. Its greatest source of power is negative energy, energy derived from Ken's past, hate and another unknown source. Using Necromancy, a skilled user can utilize the negative energy as a means of defense and offense. But Ken hasn't practice much in this field. Despite the dangers of Necromancy, Ken has vigorously trained in this Black Arts and has adapted Necromancy to his style. He has infused Bacteria Magic with Necromancy, creating his own new magic called Necromancy: Corrosion. Necromancy: Corrosion is an extremely dangerous magic. By manipulating the souls and negative energy which, he can infuse them into the bacteria in his own body or in the air. By combining the two, Ken is capable of creating a new type of greenish, ghoulish substance. This energy is extremely dangerous and experimental, since Ken has only recently creating it. Ken is capable of sending this substance onto his opponents. Once contact is made, the substance acts as antibodies. However, instead the substance devours and consumes all flesh which it touches. The new type of energy, or bacteryia, feeds on the small amount of soul/magical energy in the flesh and grows as it consumes more and more of its target until nothing is left. The major weakness of Necromancy is the cost of the knowledge. In order to gain such knowledge, Ken forced himself to sacrifice certain things. The first being his right eye, having to replace it with the Demon's Eye. Ken has also sacrificed other things, such as his sense of smell and taste, a few organs, bones and various other things. He had sacrificed his sanity at one time, however he gained that back through unknown means. Another weakness, or danger, is communicating with the dead souls that still linger. Sometimes, there are certain powerful souls which still hold personal vendettas. These souls will attempt to take over his body simultaneously, which could ruin a man's sanity and body. The souls may also attempt to enter Ken's body as they wish, which can send him into a frey at any moment if the souls manage to overwhelm. Because of this, Ken is actually in constant combat and pain, which he hides skillfully. Ken is only able to use Necromancy if the bandage, which acts as a seal, is removed from over his eye. Ken is at his weakest when he has the bandage over his eye. The greatest weakness of Necromancy: Corrosion is the drawback of using it. Since it is still new, the magic has more drawbacks than advantages. The first being the massive amount of souls which Ken has to keep under control to control all of that bacteria. In order to do so, Ken needs some mental preparation before using Necromancy: Corrosion. The other is that the same substance which he coats his hand with is the same that devours his opponents, meaning that even they attempt to eat away his own flesh. Extra: Ken obtained the Demon's Eye in order to unlock Necromancy. Due to this, he has covered his right eye to hide this fact. Ken's eye is now red and he is forever plagued for dabbling in the devil's works. He is still strong physically, even more so when his bandage is on Oh and 42 xD