Usually an anguished wail was none of their concern, however Cato and Falco immediately dropped their little sparring match. The men turned to pick up a bundle that they had left at the gates - it contained a pair of swords. As they headed towards the ruckus the pair hung the sheathed blades from their belts. Falco motioned for his guards to follow - after all he was in a high enough position to have a guard of lictors. He gave the six men instructions to stay within earshot. They arrived to the scene - which already had quite a many people there. Cato straightened up properly and moved to block an exit so the most suspicious fellow - the one with the odd aura - would have less room to maneuver. Falco on the other hand unsheathed his sword. "Stay where you are." He pointed the blade of the gladius at Kettlebrick and took a deep breath. "Lictors to me!" Soon six more men had entered, all wearing proper lorica segmentatas and carrying scutums they had swords hanging from their belts. Cato and Falco both grinned like they had already won. "Surrender immediately or we'll cut you down where you stand." The senator stated calmly.