[quote=SonofJET] "Forgive me if I am mistaken," Vaeros interjected, meeting the eyes of the one who called himself Frost Bite, "but isn't that a task more suited for the police? Or, if a truly dangerous individual escapes the net, the National Guard?"He checked the fit of his belt, brushed a few of the feathers on his arm, and rested his palm on the hilt of his weapon, before making his way towards Kira's Dagger with the others."Besides," He added. "I want to see what kind of a challenge this 'Torch' individual might be." [/quote] "Well who said it'd be you waiting out there pretty boy? I surely didn't say so I'm just saying have cops EVER been able to handle meta humans? Yeah I don't think so hell they have a normal people handling issues. Gang bangers, drug dealers, or hell there's tougher buddies like Mr. Freeze over in Gotham big guy. When was the last time any cop in Gotham, a city filled with normal and meta human villains alike, arrested a criminal without the aid of Night Wing, Batman, or Robin?" Frost Bite said plainly shrugging as he kicked his heel against the door impatiently, "Regardless of who does what and when we got to hurry quickly. If we spend to long bickering like whiny little school children we're going to be savin' nobody." Frost Bite said as he waited for the all so glorious leader of theirs to actually make up his mind."Look big guy,boss, leader, whatever you want us to call you. I have experience on a daily basis back in Dakota dealing with bang babies. These guys may be different but they're really just the same. Meta Humans don't tend to stay and fight if they have the chance .If they do it's because they can take you. If they run they'll do everything in their power to get away and no cop or swat team soldier is going to take them down without major lethal force or some type of batman gadget." Frost Bite more or less just threw that out there for anyone to comment on. Hey if he was wrong whatever he wasn't the leader and frankly he'd rather be in Dakota than be a leader of a group of meta humans. He worked with teams rarely and when he did they were normally just with Static's crew or Inspector.