She regarded each of her teammates as they arrived. First there was Frost Bite, or Lex. He was wearing a tight blue outfit that covered his entire body from foot to neck while a tinted visor covered his red eyes. The thin teen had a trained physique that was clearly defined under the stretchy synthetic blend. The color choices were nice, and the blue hues flattered the red-eyed dark-haired boy. The torso was additionally covered by a tight metallic weaving, almost like chain mail, for some added protection. The suit was clearly designed for maneuverability. She had only known him less than a day but guessed that Frost Bite would rely on his powers rather than his fists in a fight, and likely from a distance. This was the first time Quin saw his superhero outfit, overall she thought; [i]Not bad, though, it looks like he just threw the thing on, that metal is stretched just a bit too tight over his back. Perhaps after we get to know one another he will allow me to make some improvements. Or a redesign.[/i] Next was Kira, Cyber Girl. Quin let her gaze linger over the robotic girl. She couldn’t help but smile. The two girls powers were had opposing natures. Quin relied on organic material and Cyber Girl the electronic. Yet, despite being a cyborg from a technologically advanced world, Quin couldn’t get over one small fact. [i]She wears silk.[/i] Ir'sal Silk. Quin was wearing it over her curvy cyborg body. Quin through it was beautiful that as their own planet steered away from natural fabrics as they ‘advanced’ Kira’s planet had realized the advantage their natural materials and preserved it’s tradition. Quin's eyes wandered Kira's body jealously, longing to touch her alien silk suit. Vaeros the Garuda was next. Vaeros was an exotic being, but practical in his attire. He only wore firefighting pants and a leather belt, no shirt to speak of. [i]You know what they say, no shoes no shirt no problem.[/i] His gold skin, wild feathers, and dark tattoos were lovely, but the whole look was brought down by an ugly pair of sooty rubbery pants. [i]The pants have to go.[/i] She thought, biting her lip. [i]I can do better, I just need more time.[/i] Fireproof fabric was a tall order, but little Quin was determined to reach that accomplishment. Quin imagined a world where Garuda wore pants that matched the shape of his legs, it would be easier for him to maneuver in a fight, the firefighter pants were heavy and bulky, and even they deteriorated quickly. Quin’s pants would look [i]fabulous[/i]. Alicia, Sin. Sinner? Sin itself? Symbolic? Metaphorical? Literal? Man has wrestled with the nature of sin and self for the entirety of written history. When Quin met Sin, she was surprised that she felt no such conflict within. She was won over instantly. Sin had fabulous shoes. She wore black, black, black. Black hair, black dress, black hood, black leggings. The look was a bit plain but Quin noticed that the pattern of the gown as it flattered the girl’s thin body. A truly Gothic look was difficult to achieve. Quin had had her own goth-phase awhile back and didn’t pull it off nearly so well as Alicia. Quin thought that Alicia looked her best with a [i]splash[/i] of color. Especially green which matched her brilliant, entrancing, and sometimes glowing eyes. Last but not least was Anchor. His broad shouldered body bearing metal plates made him the strength and the tank of the team. Unfortunately, Quin could only wrinkle her nose at the synthetic body suit he wore underneath as it [i]creaked[/i]. Fabric should [i]not[/i] creak! She longed to wrap his strong body in something more suitable. [i]Perhaps I should ask for his measurements after this mission. If I make can make him something better he won’t refuse me![/i] She thought of all these things as they traveled in Kira's aircraft to Wayne Enterprises. She wondered what they could be trying to steal. She would work with Little Brother, whom she had known the longest. She was working on a new cape for him. She had not told him yet, of course, it would be a surprise. Hopefully they would surprise these meta-gangsters. Her and little brother would go through the windows, perhaps Sin as well. The others discussed the strategy a bit, but Quin was confident in their abilities. She stood by a window watching the city pass by, it wasn't long before she saw the flashing red and blue lights of law enforcement, and the unmistakable skyscraper than was Wayne Enterprises. She would follow after Little Brother. Noticing that Anchor would be the last off she waved at him as she hopped off the craft. She looked up, the second floor wasn't far. Yet, it was a very [i]flat[/i] building. [i]Modern design is boring[/i] she thought scornfully as she looked for somewhere to catch onto with her rope.