[quote=PrinceYuki] Don't know if your paying attention Destiny but i'll be on the pad if you wanna chat. [/quote] If you want to get in touch with Destiny, just PM her and tell her your on the pad. I know it's easy to use the thread, but too much of it can cover up other important things. @ NK I can understand that. It's the same with me. While the pad is cool, it's only really effective when people have the time to use it. Which I don't. Also, lovely picture. I like being able to see his face under the armor which searching for pictures online can kind of leave out for characters like him. I wish I had half that talent and/or patience to do stuff like that. Or the time... .-. -wallows in self pity as she slowly does her freaking spanish and bio homework- -AND THEN GOES TO THE PRACTICE ROOM TO PRACTICE HER CHAIR PLACEMENT SHIT. Why she gives all of us first part, I don't know. I can't play that shit. Too high.- -rolls around- @ DP 11 hours... JESUS CHRIST. -pats DP's back- That sucks... I love how I start commenting on this AFTER my little rant about how much I have to do and I know you have so much more to do than me. OH! But on the plus side, I get to do an informative speech on the lore of the Legend of Zelda. Maybe. -crosses fingers- But yeah, if you have stuff to do, don't worry about trying to get a post out too much. I was just kind of like... 'whereiserrybady...?' Lol. Anyway, I'll be around today. Checking on the thread every now and then.