[B][I]What cause do you fight for...?[/I][/B] [B][Center][I]Are you willing to champion that cause?[/I][/Center][/B] [Center]In a world of both humans and superhumans, humans look up to their favorite superheroes, finding hope and faith that they could be safe, all because of them. But that was back then. Humans fear this new generation of superhumans, who are even more powerful than their parents, and rumors are starting to circulate about a weapon which can neutralize powers, forever, and superhumans are dropping dead like flies, one by one. Do you still believe in your cause, or does your survival mean more than your morality?[/Center] [Center]Choose soon.[/Center] [Center]Death wanders close.[/Center] [Center]---[/Center] Welcome to [B][I]Weight[/I][/B], the first installment in the original roleplay trilogy [B][U]Tipping Scales[/U][/B], where a group of superhuman hunters known Breakers are eradicating the globe of all powered beings for the greater good, for humanity, and for society, though many superhumans have saved the population of Earth countless times. Not all humans are supportive of the Breaker movement, and are secretly hiding in the shadows, helping supers as much as they can. Some superhumans have abandoned the "heroes versus villains" mindset and have began collaborating in order to survive, while a couple have a hard time letting go of that which once was. [B][I]Weight[/I][/B] takes place in the megalopolis of New Angels City, a more advanced replica of Los Angeles that floats above the original broken down settlement that once was, in the year 2020. Many supers have taken refuge in the destruction down below, with corrupt law enforcement and Breaker brigades hot on their tails. Is it time to abandon their beliefs and work together to save themselves or only resort to their old was to keep their hero or villain selves alive? Here's some more detailed info about the factions and previous events before the beginning of [B][I]Weight[/I][/B] and [B][U]Tipping Scales[/U][/B]: [hider=Superhumans][Center]The superhuman gene was introduced into a voluntary population of 2,000 individuals in the year 1953, under the name "Project Alterac," in which the gene took effect in different forms, varying from telekinesis and psychokinesis to shapeshifting and even transformation into pure elements and energy. The First, as they were called began to mingle with one another, but had separated into two evenly split groups of those for justice, and those of personal gain and chaos. They became well known all over the planet by 1960, and combated one another, as did The Second who followed after. The recent generation, or The Third, possesses the powers of The First and The Second, and because of this, many humans grew wary and began to take precautions in case The Third became too overpowered. Thus began the Breaker movement.[/Center][/hider] [hider=Breaker movement][Center]The Breaker movement began in the year 2014, during a speech given by former US Defense Secretary Samuel H. Davis, superhuman, codename Breaker, revealed that he had lost his powers in an accident and understood that being powerless was the best way to understand life, and thus announced development of a new device that would eliminate powers if a superhuman would prefer life without powers. Little would know that Secretary Davis was actually developing a weapon to eradicate superhumans altogether, and by the time people realized his intent, the Breaker movement was well underway, with already more than half of The Second gone to dust, and the others too scared to fight back. It was up to The Third to keep the superhuman spirit alive. That is, if they were willing to cooperate with the other side first.[/Center][/hider] Here is the CS skeleton, which will be reviewed by myself, and a Co-GM if I decide to elect for one, which I probably will, because I'm not a super-GM, and I always appreciate help. [B]Name:[/B] [B]Faction:[/B] Super, Breaker, Human [B]Codename:[/B] For Supers only. [B]Nickname/Alias:[/B] For Breakers and Humans [B]Age:[/B] 8 to 28, please. [B]Gender:[/B] If your character is something other than a male or female, describe what they are. [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Appearance:[/B] Pictures (drawings, illustrations, not real photos) are preferred, but if you type up a good one, it's nice, too. [B]History:[/B] Nothing too long, just their background, summed up and served in a sandwich. [B]Abilities/Equipment:[/B] Powers or what could they provide in a certain situation and a description of their proficiency at/with it. Looking for about 5 to 7 more players other than myself. Multiple characters are allowed. Follow Guild rules and we'll be cool. Dharc, out.