"On the contrary," Vaeros responded, eager to enter into a conversation with someone where he wouldn't feel like he was completely uneducated. "When done for the right reasons, and with enough at stake, the taking of a life can be the lightest of all tolls on one's heart, especially compared to the other options. Where I come from, the parallels to this team of [i]superheroes[/i] often lay waste to legions of monsters, in spirit and in action more often than in body, and they are celebrated for their actions. The gods themselves smile on their champions as they destroy those who would do harm to others. As a result, crime is nearly nonexistent, the common folk lead happy lives, and everyone is free." It brought a tear of nostalgia to his eyes to think of his home, and the work he was proud to have been a part of. He brushed it away as he continued speaking with the one called Sin. "It may be true, perhaps, that the same results could be achieved without the bloodshed heroes bring, but the simple truth is that, in times of great crisis, there is precious little time to make that deliberation. When the fate of hundreds, thousands, millions, even billions hangs in the balance, and you have the option to either cut the mastermind down and end his plots at once or to stand idle and attempt to show him the error of his ways, it is not a choice for you to make. Not when the outcome of the latter is so mercurial." Sighing and leaning back in his seat, Vaeros drew his falchion from its scabbard and ran his hand over the flat of the blade, flicking the edge with his thumb. "And yet... There is a reason that I do not draw this blade very often. I have heard the protests and explanations of Earth's great heroes. And while I may not agree with all of their beliefs, they are something to aspire to in their own respects. So I will do my best to stay my hand, until the time comes when doing so would surely spell doom for the masses."