You all went to that inn for different reasons. But in the basement you found an old leather bound book with no title, to author. Curious, one of you opened it and all of you in the basement were transported to a different world. One with fairy tail like endings. Or at least that's what it used to be. Until, the invasion of the Malice. Malice ruins stories, makes them take terrible turns. In all of your 'Imperfect' forms, you will fight the Malice. Your 'Imperfect' forms are your manifestation in the different land. They show your true personality. They all have some kind of weapon and they have different names. They are your identities in this new world. [hider=Skeleton] Normal Form- Name: Age: Appearance: Short Bio: Other: The Imperfect Form- Appearance: Name: Age: Weapon: True Personality: Species: Other:[/hider] --- My Caharecter: Normal- [img=] Name: Kyu Age: 12 Short Bio: Grew up in a normal family. Went to the inn for vacation. Other: Blind in right eye Imperfect- [img=] Name: The Mad Queen, Aerona Age: ??? Weapon: Chainsaw True Personality: Violent, Cruel, Crazy, Short Tempered, Sadist Species: ??? Other: Right eye is gauged out