[quote=Ellri] That character feels extremely rushed. You can do better, Sep... Remember, this RP is advanced, not casual.During galaxy-wide war, people do not just "hear about the war". It is everywhere. As a child character, he hasn't even known peace. The war started some 15 years before he was even born. Why would he fight for the republic? Cliches like the one you put up isn't a reason. Why?A bit of description providing details not visible from image would be nice. (like height & such)How did he learn piloting? When? Where? Why? Who taught him?Etc.Try again.@FallenReaper, Frettzo & Sundered Echo: Post 58 is very hard to read after it was transferred here. You wrote it based on having access to such. Alas, colors have yet to be integrated into this guild, so now everything is white. It proved extremely hard to figure out who wrote what. We can't figure out who is PoV in a lot of the posts. Could you find a solution here? Even on the Doc, we do not know who is what color. [/quote] I believe Echo was green, Frettzo yellow, I was blue. I can't exactly edit it as of right now so I will try to do that later on or just shift each of the first He's in mine to Xid's name to help sort the PoV...