"Benny, what's your Family like?" "We hire people with strength," Benny responded. "The ones with brains usually get snuffed out pretty quick, ain't got no room for any ambitious fucks." He indicated the pictures that Carter was holding. "Those pictures you shows me - we do it like that, but we got more style. Those cuts ain't deep enough," He seemed to beam with a little bit of pride. "I personally put the knife in one end of the neck connect with the spine and pivot off of it just so that..." Benny's sentence was cut off by a metal coated fist knocking the side of his face, as Reverb entered into the conversation "You sick fuck, is that what happened to the pawn shop girl!? The old man in the fuckin' alley!? Huh!?" [i]Bit of a rage problem on this one,[/i] thought Carter. [i]Going to have to keep an eye on him.[/i] "Those," Benny spat, blood on his teeth. "Were minor infractions, I've done worse. Like I was saying, my family hires brawn not brains - got some issues with those fuckin' Gambettis, a few issues with the Greeks and Russians." [i]Makes sense. I may have to shake down some of Jugo's men later to get the full picture here.[/i] Draza "The Jugo" Kavaja was the Russian equivalent of the former don of the Castelvatrano family - Ruthless, ambitious, and all-too pleased that the leader of his main source of competition had been removed from the picture. It was no secret that he was attempting to muscle in on Italian turf... That was certainly an angle that Carter hadn't considered - If Jugo was pushing in on the West End, could it be he was weakening the competition? Could it be Jugo was trying to get a push in before someone, like say, Anthony Gambetti, got a foothold? There were far too many factors to consider, here. And Carter would not be able to get much more usable information, especially if Reverb's violent displays were any indication. Carter took note of the young man's outburst as he drove his elbow into a nearby shelf, driving a considerable dent. [i]Now there's evidence to leave at the scene. Sloppy.[/i] Attention back to the perp at hand. "Mr. Tramunte," said Carter calmly. "You've certainly given me a few things to think about." Carter reached into his belt, and pulled a small item from it - An injector. He calmly placed the nozzle just under Benny's right armpit, while placing his other hand around the man's collar. "This," said Carter. "Is a subdermal tracking device." He pulled the trigger, shooting a pressurized burst. Benny winced slightly. The area had a small mark on Benny's skin. Barely noticeable. "You son of a bitch!" Benny was not amused. "What the hell did you just do to me??" "It's a simple tracker. I'm curious about where such a gentleman like yourself is going to end up, and this'll let me keep an eye on you." Carter turned to Reverb. "He's all yours. Take good care of him." Carter walked to the back of the store, and stepped out, being sure that the door was locked. With that, Carter walked towards the back of the shop, and pushed open the door, allowing the rain to patter on the ground as his walked away, the plumbing shop door slowly closing with a soft "click."