Kira listened as her teammates debated the proper use of force and was a bit disappointed when she heard the mention of lethal force. She'd heard that the heros of this world had for the most part operated without it's use but it seemed as if some of her new war companions thought of blood. "It is no great task to kill another in battle if you are skilled but to those there is little glory. To enter battle and by demonstration of skill in the application of force bring an enemy to surrender an yet live, that is truly glorious." Thinks Kira remembering the lessons of the Sha'Heed who is legend personified. Kira is a follower of Sha'Heed; a Long walker which on her world is a law supporter and to her the law of flowers sacred. (Law of Flowers refers to a nonleathal form of war practiced between war houses on her home world) Shaking off distracting thoughts and the urge to add her own words to the confusion Kira starts the fusion pumps of the Dagger. Within microseconds the tiny pumps are supporting miniature stars as hydrogen is converted into pure energy. The small crafts Jump drives show their eagerness to fold across the vast parsecs of the milky way but she doesn't need them and so sets the safety blocks to prevent their accidental activation. Next to show their readiness are the Dagger's energy cannons which Kira sets to direct command only forcing the need for only her mental signature to fire them. The final system to come online is the shields which could protect the Dagger from all but earth's most powerful thermonuclear weapons. She only engages the shields to protect the humans of this city from the potential of her fusion pumps going critical after a direct hit in the wrong spot no matter how slim that chance is. While she awaits the go order Kira dives into the ship's sensor information on any and all electronic devices that are active in Wayne tower.