It was a cold October morning, the exact date was unknown but she knew it was nearing November. A window was propped open in the cramped apartment room where her and her team of doctors and scientists would experiment on the undead to research more about the enemy they were faced against. The room that was once a living space now was filled with scavenged medical supplies, clipboards, bloodied tables, and weapons in case the subjects decided to jump off the tables they were bound to. The most recent test subject was a newly zombified man, his identity was unknown and was found on the streets. They tore him apart but yet again, his body provided nothing new to the table and they had to dispose of the paperweight as it was already starting to make the entire floor smell worse than before. "[i]Dr. Byrne?[/i]" a voice said, a tall man with snow white hair and a bit of fat on his bones was what she saw when she turned to see who it was. "[b]Ah, Roscoe, what is it that I'm needed for?[/b]" Josey asks, her eyes looking the man up and down as he spoke. "[i]They've already finished gathering up the team you'll be scavenging with today, they'll meet at the staircase.[/i]" She nodded and rose from her chair as she made her way down from the chair she had settled into. Heart was beating like a drum in her chest as she moved her way through the cramped spaces of the apartment building, ever since the incident at the hospital where the dead started to rise, she'd developed some claustrophobia. She always needed a way out, even if she wouldn't need it, it gave her comfort to have an escape plan. Eventually, Josey made it to the end and near the staircase where her group was going to be. "[b]Hello everyone, I'm Dr. Josey Byrne and I'll be joining you today.[/b]"