[quote=Vilageidiotx] When writing about them you should attend to how their biological differences would effect their culture. This is a better approach than copying Earth cultures would be, because whereas copying earth cultures is easy what you will end up with will be pretty nooby. [/quote] ...Yeah. This sort of approach to world building and species design? You don't see this too often in the Nation Roleplay section of the forum. Personally, I feel that this is a bad thing. I'm unsure what it is about some of the people there, but they often react aggressively (at least from my own experience) to sapient creatures that don't subscribe fully, if at all, to the human psychological model---though I've found that these negative reactions general surface when wars start cropping up. I guess armchair generals don't like thinking outside the box when they're faced with something that basically rewrites infantry combat on a massive scale. At any rate, I'm happy to see this much thought put into an alien species. Having been exposed to so many human copy-cat alien civilizations, I kind of assumed the Tkrai were just another bat-human knockoff. Glad I was wrong.