Dean loved his parents, he really did but there was only so much he could take before giving up on ever having them accompany him to the train-station. After four times of them coming along to see him off, he had turned them down this time on the basis of his now limiting knowledge. As time went on, his parents seemed to get more and more intrigued (their scientific curiosity, probably), beginning to ask questions that Dean really didn't have the answer to. Whether it be how such things are all hid from muggles, or the exact science behind a wand, he was completely clueless. So, that is precisely the reason why Dean Lightfoot was trekking, alone through the magic part of Grand Central Station with his cart wheeled in front of him. Well, that and the fact that his few decent friends were horrible at timing and even more horrible at finding him. However, that did not seem to bother him one single bit as he pushed his cart back along the platform, down towards the baggage carts. Dean didn't trust those guys with his owl but the cage was a tad bit big so carrying it through the train wouldn't exactly be easy. So, he relented with watching them carefully load the cage onto the cart before he seemed satisfied and ready to leave. Moving back down along the platform, he cast a quick glance around to find a few friends but once again came up inconclusive. Finding a seat was easy - finding a seat with someone who wouldn't just give you the dark stares the entire journey, seemed to be the harder bit. He didn't even know what caught his eye in the first place; probably the damn fine hair she was rocking that looked way too original to not be out of a Hipster magazine. Hipster magazines? Did such things even exist? Probably, hipsters were multiplying like wild-fire after all. Thankfully though, she wasn't the type of girl that looked to be a complete bitch, so, arming himself with a cheesy grin, he walked forward. "Hey, um... do you mind if I sit here?" He questioned with enough confidence that even surprised him. Realising this person would probably want a little more than that, he offered out his hand. "Dean Lightfoot, Gladium."