[b]Luce-Upper City[/b] Morph shrugged as if the circumstances of him happening to be there were almost as confusing and odd to him as they were to Elle, continuing to dust himself off. For a fraction of a second once the strange, misty creature appeared his hands might have twitched oddly, and the attempts at cleaning rubble out of his clothes might even have been a cover-up for slipping a pair of flip-knives that had sprung into his gloved palms back into hidden sheathes up his sleeves, but if that was the case he was doing his best to disguise it by the time it became clear that the creature wasn't attacking either of them, and in fact they were trying their best to communicate. Morph smiled at both the blind girl and the mist creature as he finished cleaning rubble and dust off of himself "I guess I'm just kind of a wanderer, moving from place to place wherever the winds and my feet take me. A bandit though? Probably not likely. I don't think I'm the sorta guy who could be one of those 'dashing thieves who get by on their luck and their wits' types. Plus, then I'd have to fight and that's really not my style, y'know? I tried staying in the little towns too but I don't think they liked me hanging around with them very much, something against vagrants and drifters I guess." He eyed the mist creature that had approached the apparently blind girl, showing curiosity more than any of the expected mixes of suspicion, fear and anger he supposed he should feel at the site of them. "Who are you anyways? You don't look like anything I've ever seen before, and you can talk instead of just attacking like most of the things around here do, which I guess is nice but confusing."