"Oh," Joseph was at a loss for words. He had really hoped for more than an explanation than that. Did anyone have clue as to what was happening? Or was Buck just as clueless as he was? Following Buck's instructions, Joseph dunked an empty flask into the pond and took small, shallow sips. He then proceeded to climb the tree next to Buck's - or at least tried to-. Growing up in Blackwater, Joseph never did activities that other kids had done, such as climb trees. While he had become a rancher in his early twenties, he had yet to ever climb a tree. Struggling immensely, he finally managed to perch himself on one of the thick branches and took a deep breath as he listened to what Buck had to say. He was a bounty hunter - and it seemed like he was a skilled one. Thankful for his company, Joseph listened in silence, typical for him, and considered his advice. "Mister Buck," Joseph began, unsure whether he should continue to speak, as it seemed Buck was falling into slumber. "I really meant what I said before. My wife and son turned into those hideous creatures just yesterday and my ranch has become over run...I have to know what this is and what it means."