Name: Douglass Winters Rank: Captain OF-3 Age: 29 Nationality: Texas American Aircraft: F-100 Description: A true American from the great state of Texas. Joined the United States Air Force Academy straight out of high school to fight the commies just like his father fought the god forsaken Germans. Got a degree in Aeronautical Science alongside his work at the academy graduating with honors. Spending about two years patrolling the California coastline watching over those damn hippy liberals he at last was rotated out to Korea where he spent the two greatest years of his life blowing Ivan and his [b](RACIST EXPLETIVE DELETED)[/b] buddies out of the sky like the godless heathens they are. Of course all good things must come to an end and so the war sadly ended without him getting to bomb Pyongyang itself. He has since been rotated all the way over to Europe as an experienced pilot to aid in the training of the new formed German Air Force.