"I'm really sorry for you son." Buck said, tilting his hat up a little to look at Joseph. "Might be some type of disease. You know, like the Consumption. You get it, spread it, then die. I'm not any type of doctor. So I could be wrong." Buck went to try and rest again, when something about Joseph made his pause. Joseph was looking down at the ground dishearteningly. The kid seemed at a loss for what to do in a world with these creatures in it. Buck felt the same way when he first lost his parents and became a bounty hunter. Years alone hunting criminals and relying on no one but himself had made him well suited for these kind of things. But not everyone had the same "luxury" as him. Joseph had a family that he had just lost and then they became these creatures? "Hey kid." Buck said as Joseph looked at him. "If, if ya want. First thing in the morning, we can go check out the next town over. I think they have a good doctor over there. Maybe he figured something out and isn't all eaten up. Or we can check out your ranch. See what we find. I'm not really book smart. I just know how to survive, so I'll leave the planning up to you." Buck managed a smile and tilted his hat back down a bit. "If you need anything son, just holler. I'm a light sleeper and can fall asleep anywhere. So you won't bother me."