(it's not magic I promise) The Director slammed his fist on the desk, spilling his coffee. "Goddamn it, Kettlebrick! You were supposed to detain the girl, not fucking impale her!" he yelled into Kettlebrick's earpiece. The girl was a lawsuit waiting to happen. They couldn't televise a 14 year old girl being ravaged before an international audience. Nathan probably cost them several million dollars in damages with his senseless head bashing incident alone. American Gladiators 2 was currently the most watched television show in the world. The price of keeping an entire Roman simulation complete with unaware citizens running was immense, but the profits were even more astounding. And now Kettlebrick was fucking up everything for everyone in the world to see. Meanwhile, Kettlebrick tumbled slightly from Nathan's surprise kick, but his middle aged instincts kicked in. He rolled out of the fall, somersaulted through the air, and came down trident first on one of Falco's guards. Scratching his ass, he continued to ignore the Director's cries of frustration. "If you will not listen to reason, perhaps a bit of murder will open up your ears."