[hider=Our story so far...]Some time before Sundas, Second Seed, 4E 205, the Empire starts a short war with the Dominion for Valenwood, Meanwhile the Akaviri expeditionary forces set sail for Tamriel. The Empire calls for a summit near the end of Second Seed, on Isle of Balfiera, in the Iliac Bay, between Skyrim, Hammerfell, and the many kingdoms of High Rock, mostly High Rock nations end up attending but it results in them finally choosing a high King, more or less. In the 18th of Second Seed in Torval the capital of Elsweyr. The Mane is assassinated by a Ka Po' Tun mercenary paving the way for a longish and bloody civil war that pretty much leaves Elsweyer severely weakened. One faction of the Civil war, in the north, are pro-empire, the south forces are pro independent, with some southerners even seeking to return to the Dominion. In 2nd of Midyear, 4E 205, Argonia invites the Empire and any lords who wish to attend a summit in Stormhold on the 26th of Midyear. Most of the major players of Tamriel make attendance, several agreements have been made, including various trade contacts and most importantly, an armistice in Valenwood. 5th of Midyear, 4E 205 a Skirmish in Stros M'kai reveals the location of Pirate Lord Dupont. No immediate actions are taken by Hammerfell. In 12th of Midyear, the Akaviri finally reach Ynslea, The Dark elf leader Oravos, a former vally to Akavir, begins making plans with them in order to support the Akaviri in their conquest, in the hopes his lands and people might be spared. Loredas, 28th of Midyear, 4E 205, Pirates and brigades start taking advantage of the Civil war in Elsweyr, the nation is further ravaged. 22nd of Midyear Alinor finds an Elder Scroll (and continues to repair the Crystal Tower.) 24th of Midyear in Senchal The High Elves kidnap a Khajiit child from Elsweyr believed to be the mane. They also found Order of Whispers, a spy network. 13th of Midyear, the Maormer, or Tropical elves, appear on the scene, scouting primarily in Elsweyr and Southern coast of Valenwood. On 24th of Midyear, 4E 205, The Bosmer Keeper, a anti-Thalmor seperatist leader, cedes over northern coastal territory, including Falinesti, to the Redgaurds. 25th of Midyear, the admirals of Summerset Isle launches a suprise attack on Stros M'kai. The Sea elves meanwhile begins research of explosive snakes and a other weapons, magick`s and tactics. 3rd of Sun’s Height, The Orcs secretly begins training large groups of rebels who seek to overthrow the High King of Skyrim, Jartod the Righteous. They also send out a warband/adventure group to seek out Volendrung in Skyrim. Skyrim starts a short campaign on the 24th of Midyear against the Reachmen, it's success can only be measured in the amount of lives lost and blood spilt at the cost of Skyrim and the Nords. The Empire makes contact with the Maormer, the latter also makes contact with the Dark Elves later on. 25th of Midyear, 4E205, 200 proud and brave Argonian set sail to Southern Elsweyr in order to lend aid to the southern forces. However, by the time they land, the war is over in favor of the north, though it had cost the Khajiits immensely. 20th Midyear 4E, 205, Morrowind soon begins arming much of House Redoran with Akaviri styled weapons. While also Increasing amounts of Hearthstone Golems. On 26th of Midyear The battle of Stros M’Kai Bay begins largely between The Yokudan Fleet and the Royal Alinor fleets and ends in a Pyrrhic victory for the latter, leaving both fairly devastated. 6th of Sun’s Height, Svari Iceheart marches the a large group of rebels into Falkreath, ready to overthrow Jartod the high king. Tirdas, 1st of Sun's Height, 4E 205, The famous wizard, Tolfdir, passed away at the age of 127. His last words, according to the College staff, was, "Where is my alembic?". The Empire's attempt to gain battle trolls from the Dawnguard ends before it begins with the murder of their representatives there by vampires. No further attempts were ever made to gain war trolls. More importantly, A disease called the Cyrodiilic Disconnect have been spreading. The infected reported out of body experiences and feeling of their soul being drained away. So far, no fatalities. 28th of Midyear, 4E 205 An-Xileel peacekeepers, are rather pissed off at the Empire for supporting the Northern forces in the Civil war in Elswyer, never mind they technicality never played any part in it. They almost go to war over it...thankfully cooler heads prevail. 2nd of Sun’s Height, 4E 205, the Orc's are robbed in the night by unknown thieves, most of their armory being robbed, many suspect magic, the Orc's blame the Redguards due to suspects being last seen crossing over their borders. Orsinium begins recalling various strongholds in preparation for war. Akaviri forces land in Windhelm, Thorn and Winterhold, the first two are sacked, the latter is brought to total and utter ruination. The Jarl of Windhelm believed it a good idea tactic to challenge the invaders to single combat.. thankfully he was later fired....and iced...and lightninged. 26th Mid Year, Pyandonea, starts buildings a navy for Morrowind, and reactivates two more shipyards. They also join the Akaviri in invading Black Marsh. Meanwhile in Alinor, a small civil conflict arises between the Government and the Thalmor, it results in the Thalmor's most recent bid for power failing. 27th of Mid Year, Most of Greater High Rock besieges Wayrest, exiled royal bastard Everad the Third plans for his return to Wayrest. 8th of Sun’s Height, 4E 205, Orsinium gathered most of it's tribal allies. Meanwhile those Orc Adventurers arrive in the Rift, and the rebels have finished their preparations and have started their attack on Falkreath Hold. 2nd of Sun’s Height within the bowels of the Crystal Tower, the baby mane is murdered in cold blood, this in order to gain control of the Moons and creates the The Wand of Secunda, this also results in a week long blood moon, which probably wrecked havoc on the seas. (Secunda is the one that became a Bloodmoon, beware of werebeast.) 9th of Sun's Height, some of Morrowinds golems explode, their Armigers march to support the Akaviri invasion in Skyrim. Meanwhile the Khajjit continue to rebuild and recruit. Alinor and Pyandonea start trading. 12th of Sun's Height, Empire hears word of the Akaviri invasion in Skyrim, and panics the hell out, marshaling of Legion's begin, messengers sent to the north western nations.[/hider]