I do not mind at all. Whatever you would like to run with, we shall run with. :) I like running, provided it's not exercise... :P Actually, eleven is a right proper age for a first interaction with Aylen. Less chance he'll start being bitchy. Or whatever his equivalent is. I really don't know. But it is, indeed, sort of a folky story, with a dash of epic thrown in. Not epic like That's epic, but y'know,story verse stuff. Because I like imagining someone sitting their kids down to tell them the story of the EarthGiver. It sounds like it should be so much bigger than a two foot tall idol can do justice to. And it is, well, Aylen is, anyway, when he's not a figment of himself. Hee. I'm rambling... Give her a fingerling dragon too :P Or not... I just wanna see someone with a fingerling... Because that word makes me giggle for some reason.