[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePLKJSfjb8M]Ambiance music~![/url] ===== [i]"You need to go! NOW! Get out of here, you idiot!"[/i] [i]"But what will happen to you?! You guys are all I have left! We're like family! Please, let me stay..."[/i] [i]The two masked figures argued with each other as the moonlight revealed their clothes to be heavily stained in blood and burned. Around them, flames danced and flickered, revealing the destruction around them and making the situation ever the more dire. One figure was tall and quite hairy, while the other seemed no more than a boy in comparison. They were arguing at the worst time, because they were forced to stop when they both looked in unison off into the distance. Rune Knights. The older one cussed under his breath and drew a rather large sword which was previously sheathed on his back, and moved forward towards the bleak odds with courage. His mask hid his emotions, but clearly one could feel a vibe of fear emanating off of him. "Fine. Let's end this together, okay? We'll win this." The younger one nodded in reply, and a black mist began to surround him. The nearby area became heavy, and the ground around the boy began to crumble. There was a flash of purple light, and the older one ran forward into the opposition, sword held high. There were many screams of pain, and in the aftermath...[/i] ===== Kinshiro woke up with a startle, soaked in a cold sweat. His breathing was heavy, and his heart was racing. [i]"Alexander..."[/i] He felt himself breaking a little, but quickly regained his composure. He punched the bed lightly, and jumped out of bed. [i]"Today's the Council's next visit. It'd be a good idea to be there..."[/i] Kinshiro went through his daily routine. He would do everything a sanitary human would do, such as showering and brushing his teeth. Making sure his pants and shirt were on the right way and perfectly lined up with his body. It became so mundane at this point he barely realized he was doing all these things to such a precise degree. He was finished and ready to head out the door within the next fifteen minutes. His outfit was like that of a grim reaper's. Donning a black cloak with a ripped hood, he was about to exit his small apartment suite when he realized one last thing. "Oh. Right. I almost forgot." He touched the pendant around his neck, and in a moment it was engulfed in purple light. The next, it was in the form of a harp which fit neatly into his arms. [i]"Wouldn't want the Council seeing me do that in public. That'd be a no-no for sure."[/i] Confident he had no longer forgotten a single thing, he embarked for the Guild hall. Kinshiro walked down the street playing an unrecognizable tune. Presumably he was only playing random strums which sounded nice together, but it nonetheless proved to cheer up the passing civilians as they listened in on his music. He didn't realize this, of course. While usually he played for others, today he was playing for himself. He took no notice of the reactions of anyone else, though he would have been happy to know it was still affecting others positively. The musical master walked into the Guild hall as early as he could, and saw it was rather quiet and devoid of life. He played a few uplifting notes hoping it would raise the spirits of some. A few seemed to obviously appreciate Kinshiro's music, while others still seemed unaffected. Then he noticed, for the first time in a while, that a girl had greeted him. [i]"Good morning![/i], she would say to him. At first Kinshiro wasn't certain it was him, but was reassured upon noticing her looking in his general direction. He waved back with a smile and went to sit next to her by the request board. He didn't recognize her face all that well, as he never interacted on a personal level with his guild members so much. Nevertheless, he tried to make conversation during a rare period where someone seemed moderately happy without his attempts. "Waiting for a good request to come up?" he spoke with a grin.